Feb 14, 2013

morning light

looking closely at light

filtered light

the morning sky spoke volumes about light the other day
shining through the gaps
highlighting the edges of the clouds
casting shadow on the low heavy rain clouds.

ah yes, it looked hopeful
but not a drop of rain landed here.

there was reflected light
ripples of light reflected in water
gentle curves of light and dark that elegantly flow outward
then disappear.


Lisa said...

beautiful and moody...good for the creative muse...

Unknown said...

this silvery light - yes, it looks so promising of rain, like here in Southeast where we are awash for weeks... and the light is coming back

Annette said...

rain seems to be missing in many parts this year..

jude said...

so much water here in one form or another... lovely pictures.

Yvette said...

glad with all your last posts....

love from the beach
i picked up a seashell for you today

Sweetpea said...

...swimming in the rain here ~
wish I could send you some, my dear.

Velma Bolyard said...


t said...

thanks for all your words.
